monday, monday. had to wake up briefly this morning at the ungodly hour of 6 am to help sam out the door; i pretty promptly fell back asleep until about 10 am, woke up, had some cereal and coffee and a few pages of
john lennon: the life, a brick of a book that i'm about halfway through and can't get enough of. if you are any kind of beatles fan, or just like a well-written biography (a rare enough book, in my experience) i can't recommend it enough.
after posting yesterday i had a nice supper of falafel with all the fixings and then settled down with a nice belgian beer, my boy and big trouble in little china. i know i can't shut up about how good life is, but man, domestic bliss is kind of awesome. i love my apartment and i've become such a homebody lately, but in a way that somehow doesn't feel sad or lame. i am very ready for winter and the excuse to sequester myself in my cosy apartment for a couple of months.

shirt: actually a dress, by esley, i bought it in portland (you can see the full thing
skirt: bought from that amazing thrift store outside of philly
belt: also from said thrift store
necklace: ebay
bow tie: one of my shoe clips
shoes: devotte
socks: american apparel
today i'm sending off resumés to as many restaurants as i can find via my school jobs board, then making a list of dream bakeries in brooklyn, the plan being to stop in personally and attempt to charm them into giving me a job. this couple of months of worklessness has been fun, no doubt, but it's time to wake up from the fairy tale and get back to real life.
currently jamming to mayer hawthorne, passed on to me by a good chicago friend. great, motown-y sound with a more modern edge; two thumbs up. to summarize, i recommend reading the john lennon biography, perhaps while listening to mayer hawthorne, drinking duvel and watching big trouble in little china. you won't be disappointed.
until tomorrow,
xo audrey