after orientation i came home and warmed up some red flannel hash. this is a really easy recipe that i feel compelled to post.
a couple red potatoes
a couple beets
a package of goat cheese
some herbs of your choice
clean and chop up the beets and potatoes into bite sized cubes. lay them out on a baking sheets, throw a little olive oil, salt, and pepper on 'em, as well as some thyme or parsley or whatever tickles your fancy and roast them about 450 farenheit for about 20-30 minutes. i'd just snag a piece of each veggie with a fork after about 20 minutes to test them. once they're cooked, take them out of the oven and dump them in a big mixing bowl. break up the goat cheese over it and mix it up until the beets and potatoes are coated in the goat cheese. they usually need more salt. i usually eat this with a sunny-side up egg. it should be noted that i brazenly stole this recipe from the roebling tea room, near my apartment.
anyhow, after dinner rachel and i stayed up late drinking blue moons and singing covers of anything ranging from abba to she and him to justice. i fell asleep around 2, woke up late, and just kind of threw something on in a hurry:

jeans: AG, i made 'em skinny. almost too skinny as it happen. i have knee socks on under these and i tried to take a picture with my leg up so you could see my shoes and i can't bend at the knees enough because the jeans are too damn tight. oops.
shoes: got 'em on etsy.
socks: american apparel
undershirt: old navy
sweater: truth? i was in a rushed panic this morning and borrowed it from my roommate jared. the tag has no name on it, just a picture of a water tower. it is very warm.
hat: my parents bought it on their honeymoon in ireland, about 30 years ago. it has a tiny moth hole that i spin around to the neck side.
happy thursday,